Unless your plans for Thursday include moseying on over to Valentine's on New Scotland Ave. in Albany to catch the show of the summer.
You've seen the bill.
And if you haven't, it's right there---->
To get an overview of the performing artists, conveniently, all you need to do is surf this blog (amazing):
Sgt. Dunbar and the Hobo Banned was featured on May 15th in the blog, "First I Was Their Fan" which was closely followed by My Friend Peter on May16th: "First I Was Their Fan: Part Two." The Canadian headliners Rock Plaza Central are found on April 23rd "The World Was Hell to Us."
But that leaves out one act worth not being left out...Margan and the Red Lions.
I thought I'd best give these folks a listen and I was left feeling thoroughly satiated.
Margan and the Red Lions sounds like Andrew Bird dancing in the snow between gypsy cobwebs...but not old and creepy cobwebs...beautifully spiderly crafted cobwebs that leave you sitting and pondering just how long it took that little spider to weave that web of silk. Margan and the Red Lions site influences ranging from Sylvia Plath to Beethoven and sing about glass windowpanes in the morning and winter roses.
I was especially struck by the image of someone's hair having grown since when they last said goodbye...mine tends to do that.
But don't take my word for it. Not about my hair, but about the bands, although my hair will be present at Valentine's on Thursday as well.
And in the mean time break all the rules of concert etiquette. Get out your Sgt. Dunbar t-shirt. Listen to your Rock Plaza Central CD on repeat. And listen to it while parking your car on New Scotland Avenue just before the show. And especially, have your Rock Plaza Central CD playing at the after party that Rock Plaza Central is invited to. Study all participating bands' myspaces. Be a real geek. For a change.
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